Overdrive Booster
Overdrive infos (EN)
All BSM-Boosters and BSM-Trebleboosters perfectly fulfill their foreseen role as low-distortion preamplifiers that push traditional tube amps (and not just those!) into overdrive. Beyond that, a few boosters are designed to generate light “Crunch“ when raising the gain, and to provide an overdrive effect with high gain settings. The corresponding models are therefore splendidly suited as overdrive devices – they are listed in the following.
Overdrive infos (DE)
Alle BSM-Booster und BSM-Treblebooster erfüllen ihren Zweck als verzerrungsarme Vorverstärker perfekt, um übliche Röhrenverstärker zu übersteuern. Einige wenige Booster wurden darüber hinaus so konzipiert, dass sich bei höher eingestelltem Gain ein leichter Crunch sowie bei noch höherem Gain ein Overdrive Effekt einstellt. Diese nachfolgend gelisteten Modelle eignen sich daher auch vorzüglich als Overdrive Geräte.
SUPREME special overdrive
The Supreme is a special designed Overdrive pedal and combines the medium output of an overdrive pedal with a typical Blackmore sound, so as to archives Ritchie's tone immediately with most amps independently from Supreme's output adjustment.

Black Box Booster
Here's the next strike from BSM: a powerful preamp/booster! 40 years after the release of „Back in Black“ Bernd Meiser took the idea of Angus Y. playing not only live but also in the studio with his Schaffer Vega wireless device for extra gain, brillliance and compression. Bernd did not make a simple copy of the circuit but came along with his own ideas to realize the functions. It is designed to hit the high treble input of a British style amp with medium output pickups hard. What came out is a real monster, working from 9 to 18 volts.

Heritage Crunch Booster
After the great success of our Supreme Special Overdrive that has become one of our bestselling pedals, BSM is introducing a second stand-alone stompbox that is not only a booster and a kind of moderate version of the Supreme, offering an outstanding fine crunch tone.

Starbreaker Booster
The tube power amp simulator "Starbreaker" is based on the generation of an asymmetric "tanh(x)" as transfer function. It is - typical BSM - completely built with discrete silicon transistors and no OPs. By a mini-switch the overtone range can be manipulated in two ways. The unit works fine with all PU types but its design-center is a Strat with modern SC-PUs. The Saturation knob allows the adjustment of light crunch over fat sounds up to to hefty distortion. The Starbreaker works exclusively with +18V DC at 8mA current consumption.